Blogmas Day 7 : The Naughty or Nice book tag

I wasn’t tagged to do this book tag but I do think it is a fun one so I decided to do it as part of my blogmas posts. As far as I can tell it was originally created by Jen of Jenniely. The aims of the game it to answer the questions and find out at the end if you are on Santa’s bookish Nice list or Naughty List.


Received an ARC and not reviewed it  


I have a couple on my NetGalley list that were not read. A couple I DNF’d and reported to the publisher as such and a couple that I just haven’t managed to get to as they were sent to be after release data and I have priorities others. I will eventually get to those ones at some point.

Have less than 60% feedback rating on Netgalley


Currently I am sitting at 50% but I have just been approved for a whole lot and I have a couple of reviews to post in the next few days so that should move back up very quickly. Also keep an eye out for the belated Oct and November arc reviews during Blogmas!

Rated a book on goodreads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never did)


I don’t tend to write anything until I have written my review for my blog. Then I post a copy to goodreads. I do rate and not review but sometimes I feel that sequels or short stories are hard to review without spoilers.

Folded down the page of a book


But I personally don’t think that is a naughty thing to do with my own books. If i am borrowing I will always use a book mark so I am saying only 1/2 marks for this one.

Accidentally spilled on a book


I cant remember spilling or getting food on anything I have read this year.

DNF a book this year


I DNF books. Life is to short for bad books. There are so many books I want to read why would I waste time on one I am not enjoying. Sometimes its the wrong time/place or mindset to read that book and I don’t mind putting them down till later. I don’t count this on the naughty list so ill just do half points again.

Bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it


This isn’t really a thing I do. I have bought pretty editions of favourite books but as I have most likely read them multiple times I think having multiple copies is ok. I don’t tend to cover buy.

Read whilst you were meant to be doing something else (like homework)


A great thing about finishing my PhD is I no longer have homework! Therefore I can read all night and not worry at all. I can’t think of an incident where I didn’t finish an obligation due to reading.

Skim read a book


I don’t tend to skim read books. Academic papers I will skim in a very specific way to get the information out as efficiently as possible but with books its my down time and I want to be absorbed by the story.

Completely missed your Goodreads goal


I have surpassed my Goodreads goal for the year! And I am hoping to go over by quite a bit by the end of the year.

Borrowed a book and not returned it


I have a couple of books that are borrowed from a friend that I have not returned yet. Probably because I haven’t read them yet. It must be close to a year since I borrowed them. I should really read them!

Broke a book buying ban


I haven’t been on a book buying ban so there was nothing to break

Started a review, left it for ages then forgot what the book was about


Oh I do this more than I should. I do try and write my thoughts in my reading journal but If i finish the book when I don’t have time to get it all down I can forget what it was about and have to re-read the ending to jog my memory.

Wrote in a book you were reading


I love annotating books! Especially those that mean something to me. I don’t see this as being Naughty. I would never write in someone else’s unless requested. I think i will only make 1/2 marks on this one.

Finished a book and not added it to your Goodreads


I do this quiet often. I routinely listen to favourite books in Audiobook format to help me get to sleep. I have listened to the Harry Potter, Night Circus and River’s of London Audiobooks several times this year I just don’t record them on Goodreads. I dont count them towards my reading goal as I am not bothered if i fall asleep and miss anything as I know the stories so well. I only count these as re-reads if i pick up the physical copies again.

Borrowed a book and not returned it to a friend


See above about borrowing books. This is kind of a doubled up question.

Dodged someone asking if they can borrow a book


There are just some people I wouldn’t trust with my books, or the book they want to borrow is a signed or special edition copy that I don’t want to lend.

Broke the spine of someone else’s book


Not to my knowledge. But I have not borrowed a lot of books from friends recently.

Took the jacket off a book to protect it and ended up making it more damaged


I am only awarding half points for this as it wasn’t me that did the damage. One of the kitten’s when they were teeny tiny got ahold of the dust jacket of Girls of Paper and fire and had a little chew so it now has teeny tiny teeth marks in one corner. She didn’t know better. Plus look at this face you just have to forgive her.

Sat on a book accidentally


Not that I can think of. I probably have at some point, I have a table and my book cart next to my reading chair so the books tend to find there way onto one of them when I am done reading. Several kitten butts have made there way onto books do they count?

Final Score


I think this would find me just on the Naught List this year but only a tiny bit. Maybe Bookish Santa will take pity on my and move me over onto the nice list.

I Tag you if you haven’t done this tag!

I would love to chat all things bookish with you! You can comment down below or find me on Twitter or Goodreads!

Happy Reading!

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