Friday Five – Sci-Fi Series to Start

I can’t Find who started the Friday Five book blog meme. It seems to crop up in many different style such as “Five for Friday”, “Five on Friday” , “FridayFive Challenge”. I also can’t find a topic list like you would have for the Six on Sunday meme. Therefore I am just doing my own thing and setting my own topics just so I can chat books with you.

Todays topic is

Five Sci-Fi Series I want to start

these are five series I have sitting on my shelves, either all the books or just the first book of the series, but I haven’t actually picked up that first book yet. They are books I have picked up as I was excited about them or I found them in charity shops and couldn’t let the opportunity to try the series past. but like all book buying binges they made the shelves but haven’t made the TBR yet.

The Fifth Season
N. K. Jemisin

Number of books 3

I really love N.K Jemisin’s work, the small bits that I have read. But I have yet to dive into a full story or series of hers instead picking up a lot of her short fiction. I love her lyrical style and I know I will probably love this series. I mean every one of the books won a nebula award! I dont know why I find it so intimidating. I need to be told to just go for it.

Imperial Radch
Ann Leckie

Number of books 3

I have never read an Ann Leckie book despite owning a couple ( I also own The Raven Tower). I know this will be right up my ally. The main character being the last physical embodyment of a ships AI and we all know how much I love a sassy AI. I have heard this is Hard Sci-fi and I despite loving it when I read it I always struggle to pick it up and get started.

The Expanse
James S. A. Corey

Number of books 9

This series is Chonky and the first book in itself is a chonker. its the Hard-sci fi problem again. I know I will love this. I realyl want to watch the TV series too, but that brain block is stopping me from reaching for this when choosing my TBR. Its double as it is such a big book and when the TBR is ever expanding big books go to the bottom of the pile.

The Laundry Files
Charles Stross

Number of books 9

Another long series. This is more on the humourist, space opera, pop sci-fi which I am drawn to such as John Scalzi and I have been recommended this series a million times due to my love of Scalzi, Aaronovich and that Stross is Scottish. I think this is the one I am most likely to pick up sooner rather than later, my River’s of London re-read has got me in the mood for another paranormal detective style tale and I think this might be the one I need.

The Locked Tomb
Tamsyn Muir

Number of books 3

This series has been super hyped by the people I follow and I think that is why I havent quite got to it yet. This is one of those its seems like it is going to be a bit of a blend between sci-fi and fantasy and I am always here for that. The third book is out this year and I think I just need to find space on my TBR and jump in.

Which one do you think I should dive into first?

Do you have any suggestions for future topics?

I would love to chat all things bookish with you! You can comment down below or find me on Twitter or Goodreads!

Happy Reading!

7 thoughts on “Friday Five – Sci-Fi Series to Start

  1. I’ve not read many sci fi books before and wouldn’t even know where to begin if I were to branch out and try the genre. I am not really into stories about space or aliens and that is always what comes to mind when I think of sci fi. I imagine there is so much more to the genre though and I am open to recommendations! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If you like History Chronicles of St Mary’s by Jodi Taylor is a great starting point. While it has time travel and is set in a dystopian future it is really downplayed. It’s more about the characters and the historical events they travel to. It reads super quick like lots of mini episodes of a TV show in one book.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, I’ve had those recommended to me a few times and they do look good! I never would have even thought about them as sci fi which is what I mean about me clearly judging the genre by aliens and space! I know there is so much more than that 🙂

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  2. I can’t recommend The Expanse series enough. I’ve just finished the second book and about to start the third, the little e-short books are also excellent. I can’t put the books down once I start them. Great post. Have a good weekend.

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