Sunday by my Shelf – 21/6/2020

Another Sunday and while not as lazy as previous weeks as I have housework to do and ARCs to read I am still taking some time out to assess the books on my shelves.

Sunday by my shelf is a feature I started, which makes me really focus on the books I own, highlighting those that have been sitting unread for a while and reminding me to try and get to them soon. I am being easier on myself in June and taking my time with some books that I have really been wanting to get to but haven’t managed to fit into a TBR. And despite having a couple of slump days I have also enjoyed what I have been reading. One of the best ways I find for getting out to a reading slump is actually this weeks topic!

This weeks topic is :

Incomplete series on my shelves – what I am eagerly awaiting..

These are some books I am eagerly waiting on. I am either up to date, or nearly up to date with these series and I am eagerly waiting the release or announcement for the next in the series.

Rivers of London
Ben Aaronovich

This is one of my all time favourite series and I am very very fortunate that Aaronovitch keeps to such an awesome and regular publishing schedule as there is always something more in this world to read. Currently there are 8 novels, 8 graphic novels, 2 novellas and a smattering of short stories to read. I need to re-read False Value so I can review it as I tend to tare through the books in my first read and only seem to just be like “OMG I LOVE” we also have the next graphic novel coming out in November and the promise of a new novella on the horizon.

The Chronicles of St Mary’s
Jodi Taylor

I only discovered this series late last year and devoured the first 6 books of the 9 that were released. The 11th has just recently hit the shelves and we also have a spin off series with the second book in the Time police hitting the shelves later this year. I do have some catching up to do but I know I am going to be eagerly awaiting any sequel to this series. I just love Max and the Gang and with all of history as there playground I hope there are many more books to come.

The Wayward children
Seanan McGuire

This novella series is just awesome. I love the mix of books and how we get the continuation of the first book and side stories into different available worlds. The seventh book is out in January 2021 and I cant wait! It seems like we will be getting a fresh new world and a brand new character and it is going to be interesting.

The Fetch Philips Archives
Luke Arnold

The Last smile in Sunder City was a debut, first in a new magical detective series. I have a full review (HERE) which talks about all that I loved about it. I thought I would have to wait a while for the next book but Dead man in a Ditch is scheduled to be release in September so I am very keen to get my hands on it.

Hell’s Library
A.J. Hackwith

I adored this book and I really need to get my review up. It was just so inventive and really really entertaining. It was one of my most anticipated reads and I had wait till the UK release date, watching all these awesome reviews flood in. The release data for the 2nd book is noted as this year but it has not appeared on UK booksellers yet so I am hoping we are not waiting for the UK book for ages.

The Murderbot diaries
Martha Wells

I need to catch up with this series. The 5th books and first full length novel of this series has just been released and a 6th book is on the cards and I am excited for them even though currently I have only read the first book in the series (twice). I have the second book sitting in from of me at my desk right now and I just want to crack it open and read it. I love Murderbot!

Brandon Sanderson

I am a recent convert to the ways of Sanderson and i am slowly making my way through his Cosmere but I started my Sanderson journey with Skyward and I actually likes Starsight more! The audiobooks are brilliant and I am really looking forward to this next in the Series but I will need to wait till 2021 for that.

Pages and Co
Anna James

I kismit discovery as part of the Middle grade Marvels book of the month. I devoured both of these books. I have a series review for both of them here. I am so excited to continue. The second book ended on a bit of a cliffhanger and I need to know how it all wraps up. The third book is due out in September

Jessica Townsend

We have waited so long but Hollowpox is out in August and i am currently doing a re-read of these gorgeous books in preparation. I love this series, its one that just whips you away to the most exciting world and I can’t wait to get back and learn more!

First Damn, it seems like September is going to be an expensive book month! I am really looking forward to all of these squeals along with a good few more!

Please feel free to join in with this series. A new prompt will run every two weeks. I am currently out of prompts and need to have a bit of a think and a look at my shelves to see what I can chat to you about. If you have prompts you would like to see please leave a comment below.

I would love to chat all things bookish with you! You can comment down below or find me on Twitter or Goodreads!

Happy Reading!

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