Five Fantasy Heist Novels

I have made it no secret that I am participating in NaNoWriMo next month. For those that don’t know NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, in where people around the globe attempt to write the first 50 thousand words towards a novel (you also get NaNo Rebels who continue works in progress to add 50K words to them). I am currently planning out and researching an idea I have had for a while and now its really taking shape and I am excited to get started.

I have mentioned time and time again I love a good heist story, I am also a big fantasy reader so naturally the story I have constructed is a Fantasy set heist. Now that I have my own plot fairly cemented in my mind I am looking to other authors who have written this story style and genera for inspiration on the execution. Therefore, I have selected 5 fantasy heist novels I want to read before November starts.

I will mention up front that one is a re-read as it has been some time since I have read it, but I have not included the Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson as despite it being a very famous Fantasy heist book I read it this year and have listened to a lot of Sanderson’s talks and Lecture series about how he put the heist together for the first in the Mistborn series so to re-read it would be a bit redundant.

5 Fantasy Heist Novels I need to Read

Crooked Kingdom
Leigh Bargudo

Six of Crows Duology #2

This is my re-read. I have not included Six of Crows on this list as I remember how much I preferred the heist and how it was executed in this book. It had some really awesome twists and double crosses that I found really entertaining. I definitely think this one will put me in the mood to pull off some awesome heists.

The Lies of Locke Lamora
Scott Lunch

The Gentleman Bastards #1

The book everyone and their dog has told me I need to read. Even my own mother, who is not a SFF fan, has told me I should pick up this one. And I think the fact that everyone is telling me I should is why I haven’t. It sounds like it has a very robin hood/oliver twist esq feel to it as well as it being heralded as THEE Fantasy heist book.

The Palace Job
Patrick Weekes

Rogues of the Republic #1

I have to admit I started this book as part of a readathon years ago and didn’t finish it. I was however enjoying it. I had a real classic DnD-esq feel especially in the Gathering the Crew section on the novel. I didn’t actually get to the heist portion of the book so it will be great to see how they pull it off. Patrick Weekes also was a writer on the Mass Effect video games so I do have a soft spot for his writing.

Skin Game
Jim Butcher

Dresden files #15

I have tried reading the Dresden files before. I am a big fan of Urban Fantasy – we know I love a good magic cop story but the first book just didn’t gel with me (all the descriptions of women only by their cup size put me off) However, I have been told time and time again what a good heist this book has in it so I am willing to try again ( and commit the sin of skipping a lot of books in the series) to try this one. Who knows if I love it I might end up reading the rest.

The Thief
Megan Whalen Turner

The Queen’s Thief #1

I have to admit I know very little about this book. However, when browsing various lists of fantasy books that contain heists this one kept popping up and as it is availible on scribd I thought I should give it a go. It seems that from the reviews I have read that it does start off quite slow but really ramps up when the heist kicks in.

So there you go my 5 choices of Fantasy books containing a heist that I want to read to get me ready to write a heist of my own. Are there any you think are missing from my list? Let me know in the comments.

I would love to chat all things bookish with you! You can comment down below or find me on Twitter or Goodreads!

Happy Reading!

7 thoughts on “Five Fantasy Heist Novels

  1. The heist trope is one of my favorites!! I’m looking forward to learning more about your NaNo WIP. 😀 You’ve got a great list of books here. I need to read The Lies of Locke Lamora still, too.

    If you haven’t read them yet, I’d definitely recommend The Gilded Wolves and The Silvered Serpent by Roshani Chokshi and also Diamond City by Francesca Flores! They were some pretty fun heist books, too.

    Liked by 1 person

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